Got Tagged With Another MeMe-

My son and a friend, about 20 years ago-

The always interesting Rae ann tagged me with this:
10 years ago, Working for SBC, having my 3rd wedding anniversary with Mr. SB, had only one child still at home but had the stepchildren staying with us all summer.
5 years ago, Working for SBC and counting down the final 2 years toward retirement, taking vacation time to begin moving things up to this house and getting the house in the Bay Area ready for sale.
1 year ago, Pretty much the same as yesterday, today and tomorrow. Scanning and identifying the antique family photos I inherited.
Yesterday, Watered the houseplants and deck plants, sprayed the few weeds which have recently come up (about 2.5 acres worth, in the hot sun,) read the latest Vanity Fair and took a 'nekkid' outdoor shower because it really was that hot!
Today, It's already 3pm, so- BBQ chicken and make fresh green beans, shower and finish up this post.
Tomorrow, Blogging maybe, answering emails, watering my deck plants, and I plan to take a lukewarm jacuzzi.
5 snacks I enjoy: Cheese, black olives, Yoplait yogurt, macadamia nuts and more cheese!
5 bands I know most of the lyrics of their songs: Beatles, Eagles, James Taylor, Doobie Brothers and Earth Wind and Fire.
5 Things I would Do with 100 million dollars: I'd buy another home (see my preceding posting,) give non-taxable gift money to my children, donate to some reputable charities, buy a small travel trailer, invest very conservatively. yeah, the market was up today, but who knows about tomorrow.
5 bad habits I have: smoking, and I apparently snore! I'll add more as they come to me... or are brought to my attention by Mr. SB.
5 locations I would run away to: Maui, Italy, England, Ireland and maybe soon... Washington State.
5 things I would never wear: Pants that show your buttcrack (unless you're perfect it shouldn't be done!) A bikini in public (for the same reason,) blue eye-shadow, fake nails and a coat in the summer.
5 things I like doing: Cooking, gardening, ancestry search, sex and blogging- not necesarilly in that order.
5 biggest joys of the moment: Fresh air, no traffic, quiet, no local wildfires happening and great blogfriends... not to mention children and a grandson!
5 famous people I would like to meet: I don't know that I would care to meet any famous people. Who wants the notoriety?
5 movies I like: The Godfather series, Casino, Goodfellas (do you see a trend here?) Fargo and Fried Green Tomatoes.
5 TV Shows I like: Sopranos, Desperate Housewives, House, and most anything on The History Channel and Discovery, as well as the home selling shows on HGTV.
5 favorite toys: My ouija board (although I'm afraid to use it,) my computer, my TVs, my camera and Mr. Sierrabella.
I'm not going to tag anyone, but feel free to play if you'd like.
*Update: Just checked the thermometer, which is only partly in the sun, and it now reads 110 degrees, great...
That was great! Your life isn't uneventful. It sounds wonderful. I have a ouija board too, but it doesn't work with just one person. Oh, yeah, and I've been told I snore too.
Well thank you rae ann!
I really enjoyed doing this meme, and it actually took more time than I thought.
My daughter threw out the plastic cover on the planchette, believing it would disable the ouija board... but I'm still not going there!
I LOVE that picture of your son! How cool! Does he still have a way with animals like that?
Ok, I stole this from you and did it.
I really enjoyed reading yours and doing it myself was more challenging than I thought it would be (I also stole one of your favorite toys ~ well not Mr. SB but my own Hub. I like that "toy" label)
That was fun. Oh, I didn't realize you smoked. Darn.
But you like Earth, Wind and Fire. I was just listening to a greatest hits yesterday and saying how upbeat their sound is. Good, spiritual background there.
You mentioned blog-friends, too. There is a really cool group of bloggers around here. I love 'em.
110 degrees? In the shade? No wonder you're sick of the heat. Crap, We've been hitting close to 90 and I'm glad for the air conditioning.
Life is grand back on the sexually frustrated homefront. Come back for a visit, we're back to normal!
Your likes and enjoyments sound so close to mine...seriously. From the bands - music to gardening. I know the peace you have, I have lived it and now I try inside, but still wish I could piddle in the garden.....miss it tremendously.
Love your blog....absolutely. I could keep commenting but it takes up so much room on your space. Take care and keep enjoying yourself.
I like the meme.... I would do it if I had some time...
cute pic!
He's a beautiful boy, and I bet with you as his mom, he's grown into a fine young man. The thing that got me all worked up on your meme is that you're coming to WA state! (See how slick that was? Went from places you'd like to go, to places you're going, just like that...) Please, please come!
I saw this on another blog too. I hear Alaska is nice.
My son has transferred that love more to people. He has been a Hindu for quite a while now, and recently returned from a stint in India.
I'm going to come visit your blog and see what you wrote in a few!
I love EW&F!
The heat is absolutely killing me, and it makes it hard to concentrate... which will be my temporary excuse for spelling errors and the like.
I dropped by yesterday and WOW!
I sure missed a lot of the goings on, but think I caught the drift. So sorry you had to put up with all that garbage!
You're always welcome to comment away! It seems we're quite a bit alike!
Another twin, separated at birth... except for the choice of olive color!
You sure have good taste in TV!
I do know you've been busy lately, but glad to see you find time to post at all!
Thanks, the picture was taken at some campground or another.
I'm very proud of the way my son has grown up. He lives to help others.
My youngest daughter has lived in Oregon and visited Washington, we were just talking about this wish to visit yesterday!
I'll definitely let you know when we finally schedule, and we'll do the coffee meet!
I've heard that too! Now an Alaska cruise would be a nice way to check things out...
Thanks for your sweet compliment. I do babble at times though, but thanks for opening up that door. Yes, I see similarities too, but you have it together.....(smiling)
Naw.... I'm just older, but generally not wiser.
I'm constantly rechecking myself as to content, spelling (although not so much as I should) and worrying whether something I've said could be misconstrued.
It's far better to have blogged and screwed up than to never have blogged at all.
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