Goin' Downtown

The biggest sign in San Andreas, at the Bank of Lodi-

We had to head down the hill today to the next larger town which is about 16 miles away. According to the year 2000 figures, San Andreas contains a whopping 2,615 residents!
Our city claimed 1,557 people, with only about half residing year-round.
Needless to say, traffic jams aren't a problem unless the Calaveras County Fair (home of the Frog Jump described by Mark Twain) is in progress.
If you're heading to the San Franciso Bay Area from here, the first stoplight encountered is about 45 minutes away!
Mr. SB smirked when I took along the camera. We both know there isn't much to photograph along the way because pull-outs on the road are few and far between. The road is winding, yet the little traffic encountered moves about 50 mph.
Just a couple of miles down the hill we saw what appeared to be a roll-over, with some witnesses standing off to the side of the road.
As I slowed, Mr. SB noticed me looking for the camera and said something to the effect of "you're not going to blog this... are you?"
Of course I'm not, but I really thought about it.
ok, glad it's not just me....
on the way home from Vegas we passed a rolled over pickup that was attached to a rolled over 5th wheel.... the people, luckily were standing right by it and the temptation... oh the temptation..... my husband would have had a fit!!
Thank you cheesecakey!
I feel better knowing I'm not the only blogoholic here!
We listen to our scanner frequently, and last weekend heard of a fatal accident. The coroner wasn't going to arrive at the location anytime soon, so the request went out to see whether anyone on the scene had a camera to photograph the body...
My heart went out to the friends or family, but my first thought was how soon could I drive to Sonora...
We passed a nasty accident last weekend. The car had skidded down a hill from the road above and was perpendiculr to the highway right at the edge. Even though it was hard, driving rain (probably the reason for the accident) you could tell the hill had caught fire. The car didn't look very good. Don't know what happened to the occupants, but, yeah, I kinda wanted a photo of that, too. Moot point, camera was not with me.
You're not the only one who thinks of taking pics of that kind of thing. My hubby laughs at me because I like to take pictures of various signs that catch my eye.
Thanks for sharing it with me!
You are appreciated! Sending a smile your way!
Maybe I've watched one too many forensics shows on TV?
Can't wait to see your winter photographs! But yeah, Karma can be a real beeyatch...
Well I'm certainly glad I'm not the only one- and I'm clearly seeing that in these comments!
rae ann-
Roadside art is always interesting to me too. Especially some of the older signs.
Smiling right back at you!
Yep, have to be in the right place at the right time!
You'd probably get some great pictures if you make it to Sturges (spelling?) this year.
I got some pretty good shots of a local wildfire last year, but wasn't close enough to see the flames... you 'gotta' get the flames in the picture, right?
Looking forward to begin seeing some of those pictures!
We had raging wildfires in our area last summer, but didn't have access to a digital. The film pictures were pretty sobering, though. Hey, we're coming through California from North to South in early August. I'm going to get out the atlas and see how close to you we're traveling! ***rummaging for atlas***
Hate those wildfires! Knock-on-wood, we haven't had anything close this summer.
We're probably not on any atlas, heck we're missing from lots of maps too!
In the big picture, we're between Yosemite and Lake Tahoe.
In the smaller picture, we're between Arnold and Jackson.
Some older maps show us as El Dorado, not to be confused with another town by that name which is further north.
We're usually not busy...
unless you count blogging!
OK, I found Arnold, but not Jackson. Anyway, my brother and his family live in Auburn and we'll be there for a day or two, but it doesn't look like easy access on this map. **sigh**
I told you we were nearly invisible!
If one could travel as the crow flies, it wouldn't be too hard.
We're off highway 49, quite a ways south of Auburn. The last time we went through Auburn, we took 49; which got pretty scary in some areas due to the twisty road, elevation drops and locals driving fast...
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