Campin' Stories

I've always loved to go camping, in fact it's one of the reasons we decided to move up into the forest.
Many years ago, we camped at walk-in tent sites at Big Basin State Park. These sites were situated on a hill, and each site was on a teeny-tiny plateau. Oddly enough, there was little shrubbery and no trees in that small area, meaning absolutely no privacy.
Being seasoned campers, we began our dinner shortly before nightfall and watched our nearest camping neighbors scramble to finish getting set up. This mother, father and young son appeared new to camping. The tent finally went up... and then they sat there. And sat, and sat.
My husband (at the time) went over to see if they needed assistance. We were thinking they'd forgotten something, and we were willing to share if needed. The husband was quite embarrassed, and finally admitted the only thing he couldn't figure out was how to strike a wooden match! I'm totally serious!
Once we observed a family camping next to us, also at Big Basin, but in the tent cabin area. Mother and two boys set up camp, and did it quickly. Later in the day, dad drives up with two business associates who appeared to be from Japan.
The guests were attired in brand new camping duds, and pitched an also new tent.
Mom ran the show, cooking and cleaning, and later the entire group went for a jog. Afterwards, at campfire time, the men stayed up late drinking and playing cards.
All were up for an early jog and huge breakfast. I'm sure a promotion came soon after, and I'm also positive the wife was a huge part of this success.
Yet another time, my current husband and I went to those same tent cabins for a weekend without the kids! It had rained recently, so the place was empty. Even the camp host had left the park to go fishing.
It was extremely cold the first evening, so we hit the Southern Comfort early while preparing dinner. We'd brought some nice thick filet mignons and baking potatoes which turned out divine. Bundled up by the remainder of the campfire, we heard a screaming coming from nearby. Thinking it might be a mountain lion, we sat quietly. Some raccoons we'd been watching suddenly went flying up the nearest redwood, and we could hear rustling in the bushes just out of the firelight. Soon the raccoons came back down and we went on to bed.
Early the next morning, we went for a long hike to work off those steaks. We ambled through some campsites on the way back and came upon a small group of people with movie cameras and lighting. The ummmm stars of this movie were wandering about in bathrobes, with apparently nothing on underneath!
Ahhh, the joys of the great outdoors!
"Debbie Does the Forest" was the name of that particular flick, wasn't it?! Good to have you back in the 'hood, Sierrabella!
Actually, I think it was called
Forest Hump!
Glad to be back!
I just love that picture. I grew up going camping every weekend and fishing . . . I went once since I have been in Colorado, back in 1978. My then husband and I were sleeping in the tent. We thought it was raining, so we went to sleep. In the morning the top of the tent was covered with ticks. So it wasn't raining but ticks were falling out of the trees. That was the last TIME I went camping here.
OMG, that's a horror story in the making!
The photo is of my eldest daughter.
She was bored, so we told her if she planted the branch, a tree would grow.
She's the only one of my kids who doesn't camp anymore.
OMG, Nanina's story gave me the heebie jeebies, BIG TIME. I hate bugs and ticks? HELL NO!
I LOVE your title, *heh heh heh* Forest Hump *heh heh heh*
That's a cute picture SB and I love the fact that you can almost see the disbelief in her eyes, but she's giving it a whirl anyway ;-)
Hey, that's the "Thrifty's Poo Story" daughter too, right? JUST KIDDING! I wouldn't really give her a nickname like that.....
I can deal with bugs, but a waterfall of ticks is gross!
Yep, that's the same daughter. She kinda didn't believe the story, but she has become more interested in gardening in recent years. I'm glad I didn't ruin her interest with that little white lie.
Oh man, I bet a bottle of Southern Comfort would kill this bug I'm harboring.
romani heart-
Y'know, I almost mentioned Southern Comfort or Yukon Jack as alternative measures to the Nyquil you're taking!
I haven't been feeling well either, must be some Hooterville bug that hitched a ride?
What cool stories. Except the tick one. I hate ticks.
Is that you in the pic Sierra ???? I cant resist the urge to ask you for a recent pic to stud my showcase. Forrest Gump ??? Funny ! I used to imagine as that 'Forrester' when I saw the movie.
I've never been camping. I'm not one for 'roughing it' like that.
I love camping.... my husband hates it and my son says he hates it until he is there....
when he was in the scouts, we were up in the Sequoias for a week. Everyone wanted to see a bear, except for me - guess who had a run-in with one alone on the trail?
I hate ticks too, Mr. SB is the one who has to pull them off the dogs.
Thank goodness the newer flea and tick products work real well.
No, the picture is one of my eldest daughter, a long time ago.
I don't have any recent photos of myself. I'm always the one taking photographs!
rae ann-
It's better to know you hate camping than to go along and be miserable.
My husband tried taking his ex camping once. She wouldn't even leave their van because she was afraid of everything!
Obviously you did something right, since you're alive and blogging!
We have bear up here, but haven't yet seen one. I'd be freaked!
Hope you're not feeling under the weather still, Sierrabella. But I think maybe you are. Know that I'm missing you and wishing you well.
You're right, I'm still not feeling well. Slight fever and tired... and the grandson is spending the night to boot!
Did a little blog visiting today, but didn't have enough energy to post.
Thanks so much for the well-wishes!
It makes me feel better.
I was TOTALLY freaked.... they had told everyone if you saw a bear, to NOT RUN.
You know how when you have a baby, you aren't really pushing, it's your body? Well, I wasn't really running, my legs were! I couldn't help it! As I was running, I was telling myself, 'you shouldn't run, you shouldn't run'. Luckily I met 2 other hikers who were very experienced and even took a picture of the bear and emailed it to me! They walked me all they way back to the campsite.
in all the talk about ME, I forgot to tell you that I hope you feel better :)
I believe you sierra :)
It is so true that stay at home wives play a HUGE part in their husband's success. That's why I don't understand the "my money" mentality.
Sierrabella, I have been missing you . . . hope you are feeling better.
OMG, that's hilarious! Couples camping? Sounded more like coupling camping!
Great story about the bear!
You think you know what to do, but adrenalin takes over I guess.
Thanks for the get well wishes!
You ought to!
I'm guessing that's why California has the 50/50 divorce laws.
Thank you, I'm starting to feel a little better now.
Am I going to have to take you to see the doctor, darlin? I'm starting to get worried about you! Please, please feel better soon!!
I'm baaaaaack!
Thanks again for the well-wishes!
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