Tuesday, August 30, 2005
About Me
- Name: SierraBella
- Location: "The Mother Lode" region, California
I retired in 2002, and I'm still loving it!
My Links
Stuff I Read

Became tired of suburban life; the smog, the traffic, the too-close neighbors...
LOL He needs to be holding up a little lantern like those little cement jockeys.
romani heart!
Holding up a little lantern with which appendage???
It's do-able...
Bucky would be proud. Or jealous, whatever. Get them Witnesses.
I'm thinking I should get Cafe Press to help me out with mass production!
If this doesn't keep out them Witnesses, I'm going to make a ton of those Blair Witch effigies and hang them down the driveway.
O...M...G!!!!!!! That's hysterical! LOVE the Assless-Chap-MAN. Guess I'd be a bad JW, eh?
Somehow I don't thing Jehova's Witness is ready for you!
They're not ready for me either...
Are you home already?
Sorry about the coffee spitting incident!
Yeah, he was all too willing to pose, so I'm thinking he knows already!
I again slipped in to that stolen bowl of apricots, Sierra !!! this time when I saw that bare white ass. Hilarious.
I cannot be saved (they've tried, I laugh)
That's such a cool picture SierraBella!
When I showed The Hubs he said "WHO is that? Her husband?"
I got a good chuckle out of that...of course I told him "Yes and that is his Portuguese half!"
*I know it's not your Husband but it was so much fun watching his expression*
oooo welcome BACK Assless Chaps man!
I don't know.... the Jehovah Witnesses may think you need EXTRA saving and send in the cavalry ;)
Captain Assless Rides Again!
I'm going to have to take away those dangerous apricots jac!
Your husband (aka The Hubs) probably thinks I'm a wild child!
I hate recycling photos on my blog, so this one is a slightly different view of The Assless Chaps Man.
I'm hoping the rising gas prices keep the Jehova's Witnesses from driving door to door in my area...
Yum. He does the chaps more justice than I could.
Well I don't think most guys would think so!
I'm soooo waiting to see if this picture gets flagged...
Thereby deprive me from the only reasonable excuse to call you to rescue me ????
Oh! I WANT one of those! lol
I believe my super-hero talents are greatly overrated!
rae ann-
How funny, I was just now over at your blog commenting (again!)
Of course you want one of these lawn ornaments! I should invite Mr. Assless Chaps over again and make a casting... we could make a small fortune!
Now that's Yard Art that I can get behind....oops I mean appreciate.
You are just too funny!
*get behind* heh heh heh
reply well recived.
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