Getting Ready For Winter

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and hope you all did too! Friends, family, an abundance of good food... what more could one ask for?
The meal was hosted elsewhere, so I used the week to begin my Christmas shopping, and I'm almost done!
I hung the outside wreath last night, my annual first step towards Holiday decorating. Afterwards, I dragged out my wrapping supplies and began wrapping!
My sister will be hosting the big Christmas Eve get-together, and we discussed the menu over coffee, after the Thanksgiving meal. She and I are both leaning towards the non-traditional. We're so tired of the typical turkey, ham, mashed potatoes and gravy...
My favorite Christmas Eve dinner ever, was something non-traditional to our family. I'd pre-warned the guests that I was working a half-day shift, so I was serving dips, coldcuts, a shrimp platter and a huge pot of homemade bean soup. I'd also ordered a medium platter of croissant sandwiches. The market lost my order, and to compensate, gave me an extra platter for free!
I was able to spend time with my guests- what a concept!
Needless to say, I'm excited to see just what my sister comes up with.
Note to my kids: I'm preparing pretty much the usual Holiday meal on Christmas Day, since I know you expect the customary.
So- are you sticking with tradition this year?
Christmas has snuck up on me, I'm barely done with Thanksgiving! I think I will cook a turkey breast and some of the trimmings for the kids. Don't know what we will do at the in-laws yet.
p.s. cute kitty-kat!
I remember when my kids were little, and it seemed all we did was drive!
Had to go to the in-laws on Christmas Eve, then to my parents on Christmas Day.
Turkey breast is great! If I didn't make soup out of the carcass, I'd cook one too.
Thanks, I'll tell the kitty someone thinks he's cute!
I love Knucklehead! He has such a sweet face.
For a number of years Ichabod and I had Christmas Eve dinner for his family. We had the turkey, potatoes, the whole bit. His mom always does a full Thanksgiving dinner so on Christmas she has cold cuts with breads and different homemade sweets. Now Ich's sister has the Christmas Eve duty. Not sure what she's having.
I used to always have my Christmas shopping done by now. But for three years in a row, for one reason or another, we moved to a new apartment at this time of year. I quit shopping early as I was afraid of misplacing everything. Now we've lived in the same place for two years and I still haven't gotten back to shopping early. In fact, Thanksgiving weekend was when I addressed my Christmas cards. I don't even have them yet this year.
My Christmas Eve brunch plan is not going to happen. I will be doing Christmas dinner, but only for . . .9 people. Not SO bad. But we are all at a brunch earlier in the day, so I will be doing something lighter (and I hope easier) for dinner. I am behind on everything. I like to have the house really clean before decorating, and it is a LONG way from really clean. Hopefully by next weekend.
Adorable Knucklehead.
Glad your holiday was good. Mine was too. We did all the traditional foods. Not sure about Christmas though. Probably more of the same. I kind of enjoy that kind of cooking, just not the everyday kind. LOL
We didn't host T-Day this year either, which is odd for us. But, since we were on the other side of the country, I didn't get a jump on Christmas, either. ***sigh*** Love the kitty pic!
Yes, Knucklehead looks sweet...
I love Ich's mother's Christmas Eve menu!
I used to begin shopping in late August- how's that for anal?
dick hertz-
I've heard cat tastes a lot like chicken...
I'm thinking you might know a friend of mine- Connie Lingus?
Changing plans already? At least 9 guests isn't too bad.
I also clean thoroughly before decorating! I'm thinking I might be ready to decorate in about 2 weeks!
I remember your posting about the Christmas lights!
We don't bother with lights since nobody would see them... maybe with a telescope.
Knucklehead was a feral cat which adopted us, but has been spending more and more time sleeping in the warmth of the house.
rae ann-
I love cooking, but not this kind of meal where you have way too much to finish off at the last minute.
Glad you're back! I'll have to drop by and read about the trip.
I'm sure you'll catch up with the holiday preparations quickly.
You just described our Christmas Eve dinner EVERY year. I guess we're a non-tradional family. We've always had "finger foods" on Christmas Eve because that was when we'd open all our gifts (the Non-Santa ones) and us kids would just NOT sit down for a full on fancy meal. Over the years, it's just kinda stayed that way.
Then Christmas day is our traditional big meal with the ham, pototaoes, blah blah blah. I just like the Eve dinner better...more variety and more time to spend with those who usually are too busy cooking (my Mom more often then not).
Glad your Thanksgiving was good SierraBella.
Is it getting pretty chilly up there nowadays? I think we're just NOW starting to get some colder weather down here.
I totally love your Christmas Eve menu!
I'd love to do something like a gumbo, cioppino or chowder, served with sourdough... except my kids aren't big seafood eaters.
Yes, it's getting colder up here. In fact we fired up the woodstove last night when the inside temperature dipped below 60 degrees. I believe it was in the mid 30s outside.
I plan to stick with tradition, which for me is just being together with my family. Food traditions usually vary.
I can tell you that one year I had Christmas shopping done early. That was 21 years ago before Ben was born on Dec 22. Since that time, I find myself shopping to the last minute.
Love the kitty wishing I could grow my own coat. :)
Truly, being with family (if one is so lucky to have one) really is what it's all about!
And to think I thought you'd be one to be ahead of the game!
We're only teetering at temps where we might get some snow. I'll bet you're inundated with the stuff.
Our Christmas tradition feast is Wisconsin summer sausage, a variety of sliced cheeses, crackers, nuts, and a wide variety of CHOCOLATES!! This nibbly spread was always my favorite part of Christmas.
we have already broken with tradition by going to texas for Thanksgiving.... on Christmas, we will be doing it again by coming back from Vegas Christmas Day - well, Christmas night if Mr. C watches the game... our vacation schedule is weird because of the winter break this year. I vote for non-traditional....everyone's doing it ;)
Wow, that sure sounds good!
I usually make some peanut-butter cups (like Reese's, but home-made.)
I've been unable to find the holiday petit fours cups recently, so might not make them this season.
We used to travel across the country to stay with family during the holidays. In fact you've given me an idea for a new posting!
Traveling on Christmas Day can be a nightmare, yet sometimes traffic is surprisingly light.
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