Happy Halloween!

Just a quick post to say Happy Halloween to all!
This photo was taken 15 years ago at work.
Traditionally, we had no parties in the workplace, not because it was prohibited, but due to the fact that the workforce had been mostly male in the past. Without beer and strippers, my male counterparts didn't have a clue as to how to put together a party.
Then along came Deb (pictured above.) She came from a clerical department and fully expected a party. She chose the pirates theme, and delegated responsibilities.
Our male counterparts chose not to come in costume, but did bring the paper plates, cups and other items assigned. They were fully aware that if they didn't, they wouldn't be eating!
The day of the party we were totally surprised that they'd not forgotten anything. More important was the fact they had all gotten their heads together and each purchased and worn identical Pittsburgh Pirates tee shirts, their own unique way of being in costume!
We weren't allowed to drink alcohol on the job of course, but there might have been some spilled into the punch.
Sometimes I really miss my co-workers!
How cute that they let you guys tell them what to do! lol
I believe the fact that Deb was bringing in some homemade Lumpia might have gotten the guys jazzed up!
These are really good memories!
It got so people who normally wouldn't get involved in things like this started coming in for the parties on their off-days!
My company is not against parties (no drinking, of course) as long as they're during work hours.
I love your pirate costumes. AAARRGH!
I was just now over at your place!
I happened to have this Victoria's Secret poet's shirt in my closet, which was perfect for the pirate's costume... if nothing else.
(Reminds me of that Seinfeld episode.)
What a funny story!! Even without beer or strippers, if you can work professional sports into the theme, you're bound to be a hit!!! Sounds like it was a good place to work, or at the very least, good people to work with. Happy Halloween, SierraB!!
Other than work, it was a great place to be!
Happy Halloween to you too.
Missing your co-workers? Want mine? I'll let you have 'em cheap!!!
The Puffy Pirate Shirt ~ YEAH!!! You all looked really good and totally into the spirit!
I would have brought paper plates, napkins, plastic utensils AND paper cups for some homemade Lumpia! Mmmmm.
I love, LOVE, LOVE your new Avitar (or whatever they're called). That and the one where you're looking over the fence holding the monkey's hand are my two favorite pics!
Y'all looked great! I had/have a VS poet's shirt, too . . . around here somewhere . . .
Ah, how fun! :)
Pittsburgh Pirates tee shirts . . . now that is great. It can help bring co-workers together . . . so I never thought a party was a bad idea.
Memories are made of roses and I have to say that there is a pretty lady there, though the pic is 15 years old.
romani heart-
Perhaps I should rephrase-
I miss most of my co-workers.
I've read your postings about your co-workers. I'd be running them down as I left work each day!
I hope your sister-in-law makes you Lumpia sometimes? It's awfully time-consuming.
Thanks for the compliment about the avatar! My dad took and developed the photo, so all I did was crop and dust it.
See- you and Jif could have gone to that Halloween party as pirates, although I love the idea of going as hippies!
As busy as you are, I hope you still find the time for fun things like this?
I thought the guys tee shirt idea was clever too. In fact I emailed one of the party photos to one of the guys yesterday, since I don't believe any of them received copies earlier!
Well thank you!
Actually my SIL doesn't cook Filipino food at all. She says she's not even a big fan of it (WTF?!?). But her Mom has said that one of these days she will show me how to do it the REAL & TRADITIONAL way. I can't wait....to eat them that is, not looking forward to all the work prior to ;-)
Hope you're having a good Halloween up there in the "scary" mountains!
Ahoy there Matey!
It's a shame your S-I-L doesn't cook Filipino cuisine. Hope her mom can teach you!
Yesterday was way quiet up here. We went down to town and only one person was in costume!
chris v.-
Set the mainsail, I'm sailing by for a visit!
I love that you have good memories of your job...you look so cute!
I remember the 'no alcohol' parties we had at the bank......that was when the v.p. stopped by everyone's desk and poured vodka in our punch!
It's so lowbrow compared to cryptoquote (which is probably why I like it) but I can't stop playing glinx!!!!
Sometimes those work parties are the best. I sometimes miss that too.
Thank you!
Guess I'm going to have to check out glinx, since I don't remember seeing it yet.
rae ann-
Like you said, sometimes we miss it!
I see you didn't leave comments open on your most recent post. Are you afraid there'll be a party while you're out?
Another adorable grandson picture, BTW.
I think that's it Squirl. She doesn't want us messing up the place while she's busy trying to clean it for company (present and future).
That picture is so, SO cute!
"I'm talking to YOU!!!
We had lots of pot luck parties at the library I worked at. I often thought what they would have been like if they got a little alcohol in them.
WTF???? your google add is talking about nail fungus . . .
The grandson is just adorable, but I couldn't leave a comment up there, so I am down here.
How's the company going? Looking forward to your posts & more pics of that cute grandson!
Yeah, I've been extra busy too. I'm trying to catch up on blogs as I can.
squirl, soozieq, sylvana, nanina, cheesecakey and rae ann-
I'm finally back!
Company is gone, and I'm still cleaning up...
Might get to blog today!
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