A Little Tit For Tat

A Free Christmas Card-

I've always been a little anal about Christmas cards. Now that's an understatement!
I keep a yearly list, and if you've not sent me a card for two years- You're off my list- period!
Generally I purchase both religious and non-religious cards, with stamps to match each genre.
I carefully choose each card, stamp and usually a sticker to affix to the back of the envelope for every addressee, individually.
Anyone who has been reading this blog for a time has read a couple of postings about my husband's family, such as this one, knows I'm a little miffed at them.
Well, I'm working on my Christmas cards yesterday and tell Mr. SB his brother (who I'll call Ron, because that's his name) hasn't sent a card the past two years... and you know what that means.
Mr. SB, nice guy that he is, says "Let's be bigger than that- go ahead and send them a card anyway."
I can do that.
You know those cheap cards we all receive free, either from charities or sometimes arriving gratis within a mail order? Well I have some. The intent was to perhaps use some of the artwork, cut from the cards, as gift tags.
Let's just say, if you receive the card pictured above, and your name is Ron, let it be known that you're on my shitlist... and by the way- Merry Friggin' Christmas!
oh, and P.S.
I ever-so-carefully chose one of the uglier stamps, and the "Goodwill Toward Man" sticker especially for your card- enjoy!
You're a girl after my own heart!
I have a suspicion that more people will 'fess up to doing the same thing.
Passive-aggressive holiday greetings. I LIKE it!! You made me literally laugh out loud with this. Go get 'em, SierraB!
Well I'm happy to have made you laugh!
I suppose this is akin to tipping a bad waitperson a penny...
Yes, I understand the concept of tipping; but some people don't deserve the full appreciation.
Oh, I do love you so. I am anal about the cards, too, in different ways. There are some people (2) who used to send us cards, but lied, cheated and stole from us and then took us off their card lists. I continue to send them the very nicest cards we have, just to say, as Mr. SB suggests, "look how much better than you we STILL behave." Ah, Christmas spirit!
I have a small group to whom I send cards, too. Two years is enough to wait for a return card. Unless there are some, like my little sister, who just never sends them out. You can imagine that I wouldn't leave her off my list.
I will use those free cards if I run out of the others that I buy. I'm not as good as you are, you know, religious, non-religious, special stickers, etc.
I hope RON gets it.
Ah, the genteel way to extract revenge! I love it!!!
I also have a couple of family members who don't send cards- period... but since they are family, I don't worry about it.
RON probably won't get it. He'll likely think we're being cheap.
Perhaps susie's method really is better!
Okay.. this post made me snort with laughter.
Well great!
You wouldn't have any gypsy curses on hand, would you?
LOL I think you've got it under control!!!
You go girl!
I will be giggling about this all morning.....
I myself would rather put a LOVE stamp on a bill before matching a nice stamp with an expensive card to someone on the shitlist!
I usually only spit coffee at my computer screen while reading Bucky. Now you have gone and done it, you are now on my list too. The list of not taking a drink while reading, list.
Two years? I would have a rather short list if I did that. Only one of my in-laws would get one!
Thanks, but a few gypsy curses would always come in handy.
Thank you! Glad to make you laugh.
I totally agree with you!
Generally, I use the last of the holiday stamps to post bills, and wonder whether anyone even notices.
My life's ambition has been achieved!
I too brace myself whenever I wander over to Bucky's. In fact whenever I laugh out loud, my husband inquires "Bucky?"
My ex-in-laws never sent cards, and when I stopped bothering sending them any, they had the audacity to ask why!
Ron, ron, ron....silly man.
Merry frigin' Christmas indeed. Wouldn't it be great if we could send out cards with our TRUE sentiments? Oh how therapeutic that could be :-)
I'm impressed that you actually send any cards. I haven't sent cards in over 10 years. I only get a couple a year now from older relatives that send them to everyone, even deadbeats like me. I have a drawer full of those free cards. I love your idea about the gift tags! I think I'll do that!
Y'know, I could create and print my own cards with appropriate un-sentiments, but prefer to approach things more delicately.
It's tempting though!
rae ann-
Yet another use for those free cards (fun for kids):
Cut 6 equal sized pictures (from the cards), and create small gift boxes by punching holes along the sides of the cards and threading together with yarn. Of course the top piece is only threaded along one side, creating a hinge.
Yes, yes, it's true - I am a bad person and NOT a Christmas-card sender.
But...but...I leave you guys such nice love notes on my blog!
You're not bad, just misunderstood!
If you sent cards, I'd be 'askeerd' to see what they depicted...
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