Been Doing Some Online Gardening

Actually, I've been doing lots of watering, in order to keep my plants alive!
I recently discovered a program in my computer which allows one to create a gardener's binder of sorts. It looked pretty good until I realized there wasn't a spot on each sheet to import a photograph... It was suggested one would affix a photo or seed packet onto each page. How low-tech is that?
I haven't opened comments, though. I have enough trouble keeping up with comments on this blog, let alone another. I intend to keep it a place where one can stroll through, look at the pictures, and not feel indebted to comment.
I'm beginning to link some of my favorite gardening blogs, beginning with
Sylvana's gardening site.
This is my very favorite gardening blog, which sometimes includes amazing recipes as well.
If you'd care to peek in at my new site, go here.
Very cool! I bookmarked it....not because I personally garden (They don't call me "Black Thumb Soozie", for nothing!) but because I LOVE pictures of flowers, trees, nature, etc.
My favorite so far on your page is the Delphinium picture.
I bet you thought I'd say the one with the kitty peeking out, huh?
I'm ALL about surprises! ;-)
"Black Thumb Soozie?" I really doubt that!
The Delphinium would probably look better if I was able to plant it in the ground.
Yeah, I figured you'd like the kitty picture, so I am surprised!
OK, so THAT's where you've been! I'll check it out!! But please don't EVER think I comment because I HAVE to... I'm a lawyer fer chrisesakes! I comment even when it's just to say I have no comment. *sheesh* Anyway, it's nice to see you out and about!
Actually, I only spent a couple of hours downloading photos onto the new site... Have been busy doing other things mostly!
You are a very good commenter. I've seen your comments while doing the rounds, and you always have something of worth to say!
I was a regular there but I found that she never reciprocates. May be it is because I am a man.
I am sure the she will grill me if she sees this comment.
Oddly enough, I've noticed most of the 'garden bloggers' tend not to comment back!
They're likely too busy gardening to play along?
I doubt that your gender is of any concern. In fact, I believe you're on her blogroll?
I love when you post photos from your own garden!
Thanks for the shout out, Sierrabella!
Jac, are you flirting with me?
I think Cheeky Devil Jac means that I don't comment on his blog. I've already "grilled" him in the past about comments like that;) And that is simply not true. I just didn't comment as often as he would have liked. Which is very flattering, Jac; but I am a very busy girl and do visit and comment on blogs when I can.
And I DO comment back to commenters! I might miss one here or there, or it might take me a couple of days, but I try my best to keep up.
Hi Sylvana!
You're very welcome!
I think Jac is flirting with you too...
I'm going to have to drop by and see if you finished your new brick pathway. I'm sooooo envious!
I've been busy and what happens? You post here AND you have a new blog. Can't wait to check it out.
Hey, you have a playboy rose!
I don't have a yard so I sometimes buy flowers for my friend's yard. That's where I usually get my flower pics.
I bought one of those rose bushes for her yard. I love the way they change colors as they age!
Hello Squirl, you busy girl!
Of my three roses, the playboy is my favorite.
I'm sure your friend appreciates the plants!
thanks for the mediation
No problem. The first one is free!
That delphinium is so intensely blue!!! Wowza -- so beautiful!
eclectic, or should I say Carol's new friend?
I love electric blue in the garden! (Mixed with purples and pinks.)
Yesterday I found some bright blue Lobelia which must have been seeded from some plants I had over two years ago!
Gardening is one of my very favorite activities, especially in the summer. Have fun with it!
rae ann-
I was thinking about you the other day... because I was bit by a spider! I don't think it happened in the garden, because it's been too hot to do anything but water the past few weeks.
You didn't mail your black widow (pet) this way, did you?
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