The Christmas Box

The grandson came to spend the night before Christmas Eve, along with his mom.
After playing with my Christmas Village, admiring the Charlie Brown tree and looking for his presents under that tree, PJ wandered into my home office.
Although all my gifts had been wrapped, I've learned to leave all the giftwrap paraphernalia out as someone generally drops by in need.
The grandson located an empty box and asked to wrap it. He chose a couple of small toys and an Advent calendar he'd received, put them in this box, and decided a ribbon would do. He carefully placed it under the tree, but would periodically slide the ribbon aside and peek inside.
When he awoke the next morning, he thought it was time to open presents! I explained it was only Christmas Eve morning, so he decided to check his box...
The Advent calendar and toys were still inside, but there was a single candy-kiss nestled in there as well.
His eyes widened, and he let out a whoop! Santa came early!!! He barely unwrapped the lone candy before popping it into his mouth.
Later that afternoon, we all met up at my sister's house for dinner. PJ looked through the presents we'd all put under the tree. "Where's my box" was his immediate question.
Trying to think quickly, I assured him that we'd left it under our tree, and perhaps Santa would return.
I'm hoping to see him before we take the tree down, because Santa has indeed returned. His little box is now entirely filled with candy-kisses!
I hope everyone else had a wonderful Holiday!