Hooray For Grandma!

Several weeks ago I realized that I was chain smoking, mostly while on this computer. I decided it was time to address both the blogging addiction as well as the smoking addiction.
I've quit (smoking) twice before by going cold turkey, and felt I wanted to try a different method this time.
I decided against the gum or the patch, why keep nicotine levels high? Reduce the nicotine, and reduce the craving!
Then I saw a documentary about severely overweight people having stomach surgery done, and began thinking... Why are these people going through intense medical procedures to reduce the size of their stomach? They know that post-surgical consumption of food is limited, and that this is where the weight loss comes from. Why don't they skip the middleman and just do the diet?
Relating this to my smoking, I thought "Why not cut down, then cut down again and again until I'm no longer addicted?"
To date, I've cut down my smoking to half of what it was.
I keep the smokes out of easy reach, along with a log. I do not allow myself a cigarette until a specific time period has been attained.
If I start jonesin' I run in place, take a walk, or do stretches.
I'm trying to avoid the things (like blogging) where I'd normally be sedentary and smoking.
My husband is doing the same thing! We've decided to spend the money we're saving on something fun... and believe me, it's a lot of money!
The first item on the agenda is a flatscreen TV for our video games. The second toy is that Nikon D70 I've been waiting on.
I'll still be blogging occasionally while going through this process, after all I am allowed some fun, however I won't be online so frequently.
Most likely, I'll be out in the fresh air taking a walk.