Happy Birthday PJ

Today is my grandson's 4th birthday!
He's already taken the physical for pre-school.
Time is definitely flying...
His parents were already living in this area when his mama called to let me know they were going to induce labor. The timing was just perfect for this grandma as we'd already scheduled a vacation week, and were heading up here on that very day!
While packing up a load, mama calls and asks when we're leaving, because the labor was underway. I assured her this labor would take quite a while and even though the trip would take almost 3 hours, I'd be there for the birth.
By the time I got to the hospital, the receptionist was so excited she blurted out "You've got a grandson!" (It's a small, two-story hospital, which obviuosly doesn't see much action.)
By the time I got upstairs, my grandson was watching basketball with his dad!
So much for the typical (meaning long) first-time delivery.
If my daughter ever has another baby, I'm thinking about buying dad a catcher's mitt and letting him handle the delivery...