My son and a friend, about 20 years ago-

The always interesting
Rae ann tagged me with this:
10 years ago, Working for SBC, having my 3rd wedding anniversary with Mr. SB, had only one child still at home but had the stepchildren staying with us
all summer.
5 years ago, Working for SBC and counting down the final 2 years toward retirement, taking vacation time to begin moving things up to this house and getting the house in the Bay Area ready for sale.
1 year ago, Pretty much the same as yesterday, today and tomorrow. Scanning and identifying the antique family photos I inherited.
Yesterday, Watered the houseplants and deck plants, sprayed the few weeds which have recently come up (about 2.5 acres worth, in the hot sun,) read the latest Vanity Fair and took a 'nekkid' outdoor shower because it really was
that hot!
Today, It's already 3pm, so- BBQ chicken and make fresh green beans, shower and finish up this post.
Tomorrow, Blogging maybe, answering emails, watering my deck plants, and I plan to take a lukewarm jacuzzi.
5 snacks I enjoy: Cheese, black olives, Yoplait yogurt, macadamia nuts and more cheese!
5 bands I know most of the lyrics of their songs: Beatles, Eagles, James Taylor, Doobie Brothers and Earth Wind and Fire.
5 Things I would Do with 100 million dollars: I'd buy another home (see my preceding posting,) give non-taxable gift money to my children, donate to some reputable charities, buy a small travel trailer, invest
very conservatively.
yeah, the market was up today, but who knows about tomorrow.5 bad habits I have: smoking, and I apparently snore! I'll add more as they come to me... or are brought to my attention by Mr. SB.
5 locations I would run away to: Maui, Italy, England, Ireland and maybe soon... Washington State.
5 things I would never wear: Pants that show your buttcrack (unless you're perfect it shouldn't be done!) A bikini in public (for the same reason,) blue eye-shadow, fake nails and a coat in the summer.
5 things I like doing: Cooking, gardening, ancestry search, sex and blogging- not necesarilly in that order.
5 biggest joys of the moment: Fresh air, no traffic, quiet, no local wildfires happening and great blogfriends... not to mention children and a grandson!
5 famous people I would like to meet: I don't know that I would care to meet any famous people. Who wants the notoriety?
5 movies I like: The Godfather series, Casino, Goodfellas (do you see a trend here?) Fargo and Fried Green Tomatoes.
5 TV Shows I like: Sopranos, Desperate Housewives, House, and most anything on The History Channel and Discovery, as well as the home selling shows on HGTV.
5 favorite toys: My ouija board (although I'm afraid to use it,) my computer, my TVs, my camera and Mr. Sierrabella.
I'm not going to tag anyone, but feel free to play if you'd like.
*Update: Just checked the thermometer, which is only partly in the sun, and it now reads 110 degrees, great...