Me- Alamogordo, New Mexico

Here goes, 100 things about me:
1.) I'm female 2.) and retired.
3.) I love the color blue 4.) but not red.
5.) I'm the eldest of four 6.) and my sister is mad at me for posting about her.
7.) I'm married 8.) twice so far..
9.) I'm using a teak outdoor bench as a couch 10.) but own two china cabinets and two curio cabinets.
11.) I own a Toyota 4Runner 12.) which is paid for.
13.) I live in a rural area 14.) but have lived in both urban and suburban places in the past.
15.) My favorite hobbies are gardening, genealogy, 16.) and blogging.
17.) I have three children 18.) and one grandson.
19.) I worked 30 years for one company, 20.) which I hated. Don't want to name the company, but it's initials are SBC.
21.) I hate telephones 22.) but I love email.
23.) My high school was in a coastal town 24.) so we skipped school (sometimes) and went to the beach.
25.) My best friend from childhood sends me those awful annual Christmas letters 26.) but doesn't return emails.
27.) I love receiving emailed jokes 28.) but hate emailed chain letters, especially the one's with hugs.
29.) I painted my living room an unusual shade of a peachy orange 30.) which I don't like.
31.) I love taking photos 32.) but not posing for others.
33.) I hate cabbage 34.) but love brussel sprouts.
35.) Gambled for the first time on my honeymoon 36.) and won big at Keno!
37.) I believe in ghosts 38.) and lived in a haunted house. Story to come on Halloween!
39.) I've been to Telume, Mexico 40.) where my first spouse threatened to throw me off a pyramid.
41.) I have three dogs 42.) and two cats.
43.) I make lots of "to do" lists 44.) and lose them.
45.) I sing badly 46.) so I don't.
47.) I don't like spiders 48.) but I do like snakes.
49.) My kids urge me to dance those old 60s and 70s dances 50.) so they can laugh at me.
51.) I have two Ouija boards in my home office 52.) which I'm afraid to use.
53.) I have three TVs 54.) one of which is only used for the Playstation.
55.) I love to go barefoot 56.) even though I tend to get injured.
57.) I cook mostly Italian food 58.) and Mexican.
59.) I know a little Spanish 60.) but can swear in 4 languages.
61.) I had blonde hair when I was little 62.) it's still somewhat blonde if highlighting counts.
63.) I love gold 64.) but dislike silver.
65.) I once played spin-the-bottle 66.) and it landed on the grossest guy, which is why I played only once.
67.) I hate cleaning house 68.) but like doing dishes.
69.) I love Cabernet and Merlot 70.) but dislike white wines.
71.) I love Macadamia nuts 72.) but hate almonds.
73.) I live miles from nowhere 74.) but people still drop by.
75.) I'll watch autopsy shows 76.) but can't bear to watch surgery on live people.
77.) I used to want to be a stewardess 78.) or a witch.
79.) I own tons of coffee mugs 80.) but use only one.
81.) I love coffee 82.) but can't abide tea.
83.) I enjoy receiving flowers 84.) but not supermarket bouquets.
85.) I'd rather go camping 86.) than to stay at a hotel.
87.) I have two desks 88.) and they're both usually messy.
89.) Houseguests are welcome 90.) for no longer than 3 days.
91.) I keep two sets of cookware 92.) because my son is a vegan.
93.) I have two credit cards 94.) and pay them off monthly.
95.) I don't eat bologna 96.) but I have Spam in the cupboard.
97.) There's a photo of assless chaps on my site 98.) but they're not mine.
99.) I almost stopped blogging recently 100.) until I noticed Greenie added me to his blogroll. Thank you Greenie!